investing in people & land

placekeeping for shared prosperity

we’re reimagining value creation with fractional real estate investments in innovative projects that transform communities through experiential engagement & equity ownership

ThirdPlace Partners is a global real estate investment firm dedicated to unique properties that serve as vibrant community hubs for creativity, culture, conservation, and consciousness. We view Third Places as intersections of resilient talent and distinctive assets within vital ecosystems—offering significant potential for both individual upside and shared prosperity in an uncertain future.

We leverage mission-aligned capital through geographically focused, flexible investment vehicles, developing and activating property assets connected to talent ecosystems accelerating systems change through innovation, socioeconomic mobility, multimodal health and wellbeing, urban revitalization, and regenerative economies. We mobilize high-trust networks to invest early in changemakers and placekeepers, harnessing the tools of capitalism, philanthropy, and government to transform communities through engagement and equity ownership. 

Our team comprises purpose-driven leaders skilled at convening human, financial, and social capital to deliver alpha returns and triple-bottom-line impact. With global expertise spanning commercial real estate development, investment banking, venture capital, community and economic development, urban planning, architecture, interior design, art installation, event production, and hospitality, we are confident in actualizing the upside and impact of fractional real estate investing. 

Investment Themes

  • Highline NYC


    Third Place such as art districts, makerspaces, creative hubs, and artist residencies become a “living lab” for inspiring and incubating creativity—without the limitation of form or outcomes.


    Third Places where different cultures, generations, and backgrounds can safely collide create a sense of belonging to counteract the lonliness epidemic and space for a new shared story of humanity.


    Third Places committed to regenerative land conservation and education on climate action, sustainability, and biodiversity model stewardship for a future whereby man is not above nature.


    Third Places can do more than serve as escapes for rest and relaxation—they can foster inclusive spaces for personal and collective growth, healing, and consciousness awakening.

Third Place Community Hubs

Where people engage and experiment in dynamic urban centers and beautiful natural open-air spaces